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Our sugar-free kombucha reinvent themselves !

Our sugar-free kombucha reinvent themselves !

For the 5th anniversary of Gutsy we promised you a year full of surprises! ... 
We started with the launch of a sparkling beverage with fermented adaptogen, a unique drink that helps reduce stress and balance your body. 
Then we pimped  the Chill Out flavor with grapefruit juice and hops. 
Now it’s time to reveal our latest surprise ... the upgrade to our sugar-free kombucha. 


A natural sweetener 

Our mission is to offer you the healthiest and tastiest beverages on the market, so we have improved our sugar-free recipes. 

In order to respect our values, it is important for us to always work with organic ingredients. When we opened our sister company in France, we realized that stevia, which is certified organic in Canada, does not comply with European certifications. We learned that the process of transformation to obtain powdered stevia, made it non-organic, because it undergoes a transformation. Then, we decided to look for an alternative that met the criteria, to have a 100% organic stevia. We discovered a stevia leaf that did not have the bitterness that most leaves usually have.  In addition, we also decided to remove erythritol from our recipes. This sweetener can cause discomfort to people with stomach problems. 

We offer you a sugar free range with 100% organic stevia and without erythritol!


What is stevia? 

Stevia is native to South America, these leaves contain natural compounds called steviol glycosides, it is thanks to them that stevia has a sweet taste.  This plant is a powerful sweetener, its sweetening power is 200 to 300 times more powerful than sugar! It is therefore necessary to dose it wisely. 

Studies have also shown that stevia has two major benefits: it does not increase the concentration of sugar in the blood, in fact, its glycemic index is equal to 0, which is excellent for diabetics or people who follow a keto diet. It is also free of calorie. 

The new sugar free range 

To better understand your expectations regarding the sugar free range we have listened to your suggestions and remarks. 

Firstly, some people mentioned a too pronounced taste of stevia, that's why we selected stevia leaves to soften the taste.

Secondly, we wanted to offer you a calorie-free line, and we succeeded! Our sugar-free kombucha is now calorie-free. No more sugar and calories counting: enjoy our delicious kombucha. 

Finally, under your recommendations, we have twisted the flavors, to bring them more taste. Previously, our creation was limited, the removal of erythritol allowed us to make new flavors, this component interfered with some flavors. 

To begin with we offer you a sugar-free version of the "Pick me up": the "Tonic". We thought of our Pick me up lovers who will now be able to enjoy without thinking about counting sugar or calories. 

The "Tonic" is concocted from freshly squeezed ginger juice by us. Take a sip to start your day and let the "Tonic" support you in your adventures.

For the second flavor, we wanted to keep "The Authentic" with those beautiful black tea aromas. To offer you a version with stevia leaves and no calories. Enjoy the pure, sincere and natural essence of black tea kombucha. Take a sip and find your balance.


With our new sugar-free line, no more counting calorie and sugar. Enjoy our 100% organic and 100% natural kombucha without limits. 

